English: Hübsches, helles und ruhiges Appartment mit allem, was man für einen angenehmen Aufenthalt braucht. Überdachter Balkon mit Blick ins Grüne, zentral in Stuttgart-Ost.
Mietpreis inkl. WLAN und ...
English: Renovated and furnished apartment in 2018 with internet and optional underground parking space in a central location in Stuttgart Mitte near Olgaeck, Charlottenplatz, Bohnenviertel.
English: Beautiful, modern apartment (first occupancy after complete refurbishment and furnishing) in the heart of Bad Cannstatt on the Neckar, charming old town with half-timbered houses in narrow, c...
English: This modern, 55 m² ground floor apartment offers everything you need for a comfortable stay. Enjoy free Wi-Fi, a cozy living room with a TV, a quiet bedroom with two single beds that can be s...
English: CAMPO NOVO Business offers you a second home for a temporary stay. All rooms feature clever layouts and high-quality, "ready-to-use" furnishings. The property impresses with its feel-good atm...
English: Flat
This is a two-room flat with a separate kitchen and bathroom. The basement flat has its own entrance and access to the cellar and main building. The bedroom and living room are carpeted....
English: This newly renovated apartment on Mozartstrasse offers modern living comfort on 20 m² and is fully equipped. It has a comfortable bed (120×200) including bed linen, a fully equipped fitted ki...
English: CAMPO NOVO Business offers you a second home for a temporary stay. All rooms feature clever layouts and high-quality, "ready-to-use" furnishings. The property impresses with its feel-good atm...
English: Gemütliche DG Wohnung mit Balkon und Loggia. Kurzfristig frei. Wohnung kann möbliert gestellt werden oder die eigenen Möbel mitgebracht werden.
German: Wohnung im DG mit Balkon und Loggia. Ka...
English: CAMPO NOVO Business offers you a second home for a temporary stay. All rooms feature clever layouts and high-quality, "ready-to-use" furnishings. The property impresses with its feel-good atm...